Every Zero Energy Ready Home starts with ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Version 3.0 for an energy-efficient home built on a solid foundation of building science research. Advanced technologies are designed in to give you superior construction, durability, and comfort; healthy indoor air; high-performance HVAC, lighting, and appliances; and solar-ready components for low or no utility bills in a quality home that will last for generations to come.
Imagine a building envelope that provides strength, stiffness, high thermal insulation and noise protection.

Imagine offering to build the entire building envelope (roofs, walls and floors) with a product that is one of the most environmentally-responsible, green building products in the industry today. Even if they are new to you, SIPs, along with their environmental benefits, have been around for more than 60 years. Discover the Premier SIPs Advantage and read on to get the whole “Green” story.
The Envelope, Please!
Our go-to expert on building innovation Sam Raskin says it’s time for builders to change platforms–Part I: structural insulated panels
I left off last time with a shocking comparison of construction images from 1877 and today and the observation that so little has changed… “150 years is long enough for any production method”
Exceptional indoor air quality and temperature control
When compared to buildings framed with dimensional lumber, Premier’s large SIPs cover greater surfaces with far less gaps in the walls and roofs, to be filled and sealed, offering home and building owners better indoor air quality, reduced infiltration of outside pollutants, smaller HVAC systems needs and superior indoor temperature control.
Made from renewable resources
SIPs are made from thick EPS foam cores sandwiched between OSB (Oriented Strand Board) panel faces. The OSB is made from fast-growing trees, and produced in a way that yields a large percentage of every tree. The foam itself is made from partially-recycled material, and the final result is a large solid panel that arrives to the jobsite pre-cut.
Up to two-thirds less jobsite waste
Job-ready SIPs allow installers to install the roof, wall and floor panels without the need to cut, frame and trim excessive amounts of lumber and other materials. The job-ready feature of Premier SIPs panels reduces the amount of jobsite material waste by 60% when compared to buildings constructed with regular dimensional lumber and framing materials. Less waste is obviously better for our environment.