Cost Comparison

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Timber Framing to SIPS Framing Comparison

Based on a 2500 sq. ft. single storey home

Stick Framing SIPS Framing
Snap Lines 1 Day Snap Lines 1 Day
Plate 1 Day Plate 1 Day
Frame 4 Days Frame 3 Days
Plumb & Line 2 Days Plumb & Line 1 Day
Set Trusses 2 Days Set Trusses 1 Day
Roof Sheet 2 Days Roof Sheet 1 Day
Total = 12 Days Total = 8 Days
Rough Trades/Ext. Walls Rough Trades/Ext. Walls
Electrical/Drill Studs 1 Day Drill Studs 0 Days
Framer/Furring Walls 1 Day Furring Walls 0 Days
Framer/Shear Panels 1 Day Shear Panels 0 Days
Insulate Walls/Ceilings 1 Day Insulation 0 Days
Total = 5 Days Total = 0 Days
Note: shear panels arrive pre-cut for windows and doors
Rough Inspections Rough Inspections
Exterior Shear 1 Day Exterior Shear 0 Days
Insulation Insp 1 Day Insulation Insp 0 Days
Total = 2 Days Total = 0 Days
Total Days = 19 Days Total Days = 8 Days

Note: Eleven days saved between snapping lines and drywall insulation.
Note: Additional times saved not having bowed wall or drywall cracking.
Note: Days will vary with size of home and weather conditions.

Money Saved using SIPS

Based on average prevailing wage

4 Days saved on labor $27 per hr. $864.00
3 man crew instead of 5 (1 Day) $27 per hr. $432.00
1 Day saved Furring walls $27 per hr. $216.00
2 Days saved shear panels $27 per hr. $432.00
Total = $1,944.00
1 Day saved on drilling studs $25 per hr. $192.00
Total = $192.00
Money saved not installing in ext. walls $800.00
Money saved not installing in ceilings $600.00
Total = $1400.00
Approximate savings per unit Total = $3,440.00

Further Cost Savings

Reduced drywall cracking as house settles less with SIPS panels
Half the amount, if not more, of left over lumber waster material
Energy saving for home owner
Finish trades require less time dealing with bowed walls (Tile, Cabinets)
A possible reduction in crane rental time when using roof panels instead of trusses
A possible reduction in hardware, such as hold downs, when using wall panel

Sip panels will typically cost about five percent more than conventional framing

Frame Cost

Per builder/architect Lance O’Donnell framing costs usually run between 20% and 30% of building costs. We will use 25% for an average.

$110.00 per sq. ft. time 2500 sq. ft. = $275,000
Divided by 25% for framing costs = $68,750 ($27.50 sq. ft.) Timber Framing
$115.50 per sq. ft. time 2500 sq. ft. = $288,750
Divided by 25% for framing costs = $72,187.50 ($28.88 sq. ft.) SIPS

Per Unit

Framing cost for SIPS $72,187.00 (25% of overall cost)
Framing cost for Timber Frames $68,750.00 (25% of overall cost)
Difference in framing costs $ 3,437.50 (per unit)

Building Cost

$278,437.50 (cost with SIPS)
$275,000.00 (cost without SIPS)
$ 3,437.50 (difference is framing cost)
$ 3,440.00 (savings in labor and materials as above)
$ (2.50) (breaking even)
$ (1,200.00) (down sizing from a 5 ton to a 3 ton HVAC unit)
$ (1,202.50) (down sizing from a 5 ton to a 3 ton HVAC unit)
$ (700.00) (savings in wasted lumber plus handling)
$ (1,902.50) (overall savings per unit)

Approximate money saved for multiple homes

$1,902.50 per unit time 10 units = (profit to builder) $19,025.00
$1,902.50 per unit time 50 units = (profit to builder) $95,125.00
$1,902.50 per unit time 100 units = (profit to builder) $190,250.00
$1,902.50 per unit time 200 units = (profit to builder) $380,500.00